
Flowers & Fire Yoga Yoga Garden – Gili Air

Publication: Interview with YOGI TIMES BALI

I feel, that like everyone else on this planet, over the last few days my mind has been occupied with not much else but Corona. How we will manage this? What will play out? Trying to create a strategy that we can daily edit as the situation unfolds.

In my meditation this morning I prayed to god to keep my staff, guests and me safe from the implications of this crisis and she/he laughed. ‘Why on Earth would you ask me to do that?’ You are on this planet to experience as many different states as possible. Your practice is to learn to develop skill in action no matter what waves swell out from life. Ask me to help you skillfully surf all life waves, so you can grow into a masterful surfer, don’t ask me to diminish your life experience like this’ One day, one of those waves will take me out for sure, but until then I am trying to cultivate gratitude for the opportunity to hone the craft of living.

So our new social media strategy is this. For the next little while, we will cut back promotional posts and instead, cognizant of the fact that many of you our followers may be stuck at home and bored, try to create interesting, entertaining and inspiring content. Practices and re frames that maybe can offer something for your minds and hearts to chew on during these times. This next post was actually scheduled for today anyway so hopefully it’s an interesting read!

It is a humbling feeling I get every time someone wants to interview me so I can share my journey with the world.

Thank you YOGI TIMES & YOGI TIMES BALI for telling my story and sharing with your community worldwide! Feeling blessed…


Exclusive interview with spiritual entrepreneur, Emily Christian

by Sophie Parienti

Flowers and Fire Yoga Garden, a haven of wellness.

Off the coast of Lombok are three small islands lovingly referred to as The Gilis. They are home to clean beaches, turquoise water, and quiet surroundings. In other words? Pure paradise. No motorized vehicles, no wild energy– just the simplicity of nature and friendly locals. On the largest island of Gili Air, passionate yogi Emily Christian opened her very own community space dedicated to Yoga and wellness, Flowers and Fire Yoga Garden.

Yoga Classes

At Flowers and Fire we offer a range of class levels and workshops to accommodate all levels of experience - from first-timers to experienced yogi’s and yogini’s.

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